제목AriaMotion Controller 지원 G코드, M코드, FA명령어 일람표2024-06-18 18:57
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◆ AriaMotion Controller 명령어 일람표 ( G코드, M코드, FA 명령어 )

- AMC 시리즈 보드 : MIS-330D, *AMC-450S, *AMC-560E 에서 지원하는 명령어 일람

- MODBUS Slave 명령어는 별도 문서 참고

* : AMC-450S와 AMC-560E는 추가 I/O에 대한 확장 M코드가 있습니다.

Command Comment Command Comment Command Comment
G0 Motion SEEK M0 cycle hold *D motor enable/disable control
G1 Motion FEED M2 program end *R motor position reset
G2 I,J,K Arc CW M3 Spindle ON *M absolute move
G2 R Arc CW M3 Spindle ON *m relative move
G3 I,J,K Arc CCW M4 Spindle ON *V velocity mode
G3 R Arc CW M5 Spindle OFF *H homing procedure
G4 Motion Dwell M6 tool change *T motor stop
G10 G54 - G59 coordinate value set M7 Coolant ON *c alarm clear ( SERVO MOTOR )
G12 Z Probe  mode M8 Dust Chamber ON *G linear interpolated move
G17 X,Y,Z plane M9 Coolant/Dust Chamber OFF *A arc move
G18 X,Z,Y plane M29 Separate Home Procedure *S switch status report
G19 Y,Z,X plane M30 program end *h homing status check
G20 inch mode M70 Motor drive enable *P position report
G21 mm mode M71 Motor dirve disable *N motion status report
G28 move to HOME M72 OUT1_5V_PIN ON *W watch dog timer
G30 move to HOME M73 OUT1_5V_PIN OFF
G31 G38.2 MACH3 Compatible M74 OUT2_5V_PIN ON
G38.2 tool probeprocedure M75 OUT2_5V_PIN OFF
G43 tool length offset ON M76 OUT3_24V_PIN ON
G49 tool length offset OFF M77 OUT3_24V_PIN OFF
G53 machine coordinate M78 OUT4_24V_PIN ON
G54 work coordinate 1 M79 OUT4_24V_PIN OFF
G55 work coordinate 2 M80 OUT5_AL_PIN ON
G56 work coordinate 3 M81 OUT5_AL_PIN OFF
G57 work coordinate 4 M82 OUT6_AL_PIN ON
G58 work coordinate 5 M83 OUT6_AL_PIN OFF
G59  work coordinate 6 M144 Aanlog OUT 10V
G64 default M145 Aanlog OUT 5V
G90 absolute_mode ON M146 Analog IN - input 1
G91 relative mode ON M147 Analog IN - input 2
G92 work zero M155 real time accelaration set
G92.1 work zero reset M156 real time deceleration set
G93 feedrate mode ON M170 individual Motor Enable
G94 feedrate mode OFF M171 individual Motor Disable
M173 Robot Arm : encoder enable
F Feedrate M174 Robot Arm : encoder disable
T tool number M175 Robot Arm : align motor 
M200 Robot Arm : Inverse Kinematic ON
M201 Robot Arm : Inverse Kinematic OFF
M210 Trigger Output 
M211 Trigger Output configuration
M212 Trigger Axis configuration
M213 Trigger out pin configuration
M215 Trigger motion point  A group
M217 Trigger motion point  B group